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solusi trouble link Mediafire

ATTENTION PLEASE....!!!! Untuk semua link Mediafire,setelah 5 detik akan muncul tulisan "SKIP AD" di pojok kanan atas. klik tombol skip ad-nya cukup didrag (tekan dan geser) dan arahkan ke address bar seperti gambar di bawah ini lalu ENTER.

Uninstall Tool 3.1.0 Build 5231

DOWNLOAD Uninstall Tool 3.1.0 Build 5231 (x86/x64) | 7.96 MB

Uninstall Tool - Unique And Powerful Uninstaller. Make your Computer Work Faster Now by using Uninstall Tool! It's a fast, secure and convenient way to remove unneeded applications and system components. Great, powerful and reliable alternative to standard Windows Add/Remove program. The program has lots of features and options mising in Microsoft's applet. Uninstall Tool works with LIGHTNING SPEED and COMPLETELY removes any program from your computer.

- Revised and improved User Interface (including new icons)
- Secondary toolbar with addional functions (can be hidden)
- Adjustable positions of toolbars (top/bottom/side)
- Simplified and more convenient use of task panel (in the left of Uninstaller and Startup managers), added keyboard navigation for task panel controls
- Automatic check for updates (optional) and new version dialog with 'what's new' list
- Improved preferences dialog
- New HTML report (both for Uninstaller and Startup manager)
- Running different Windows Tools (Tools menu)
- Program preferences are always saved to the 'preferences.xml' file (located in CSIDL_APPDATA\CrystalIdea Software\Uninstall Tool)
- 90% of program code is rewritten/reviewed/optimized
- Improved program stability

- Uninstall Wizard: faster scanning
- Uninstall Wizard: detection of running processes among found traces; termination on request
- Better program listing, better icon detection
- Ability to force stop uninstall processes (when third-party uninstaller is freezed)
- Show recent items in the secondary toolbar (not in status bar) with grouping items (Apps/System/Hidden) in a popup menu
- Improved cache algorithms
- Improved search filter usage
- List view with small icons looks better now
- Google for program name (Ctrl+G) and its publisher (see 'Action' menu)
- Uninstaller cache is now saved to 'CachedData.dat' file (located in CSIDL_APPDATA\CrystalIdea Software\Uninstall Tool). One can manually refresh the cache by simply pressing the Refresh button in the toolbar (F5)

- Multiple items selection
- Company column to display item's publisher/author
- Google for program name (Ctrl+G), .exe name and publisher (see 'Action' menu)
- Better way of handling situation when there're no items in the list

Home Page - http://www.crystalidea.com/



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