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solusi trouble link Mediafire

ATTENTION PLEASE....!!!! Untuk semua link Mediafire,setelah 5 detik akan muncul tulisan "SKIP AD" di pojok kanan atas. klik tombol skip ad-nya cukup didrag (tekan dan geser) dan arahkan ke address bar seperti gambar di bawah ini lalu ENTER.

Smadav 8.8 Pro

Smadav 8.8 Pro. disini hadir untuk melengkapi versi gratisannya yakni smadav 8.8. Bagi anda yang ingin mencicipi kehandalan smadav 8.8 pro Yang baru diluncurkan 1 jam yang lalu atau tepatnya 21.00 silakan ikuti tutor kami ini!

Sebelumnya, saya menyarankan anda untuk tetap memberikan donasikepada SMADAV, agar menjadi antivirus yang lebih baik. Key ini saya berikan hanya untuk kepentingan pribadi. TIDAK UNTUK DIPERJUAL BELIKAN!!.

Klik Disini 
Smadav 8.8
di smadav.net lalu install.

Saat mengisi key diusahakan untuk dalam keadaan Offline. Jika anda terkena BLACKLIST, caranya:
Kolom Nama : anti-bajakan
Key : dikosongkan

Cara 2 menghilangkan tanda bajakan(Anti blacklist) pada Smadav 8.8 :

1. Hilangkan Tanda centang di semua pengaturan dasar & pengaturan tambahan sehingga semua fiturnya tidak aktif.
2. Lalu ketikkan "anti-pembajakan" di kolom nama (tanpa tanda petik) dan klik register.
3. Kemudian masukan kode Key yang udah Tersedia.

Tetapi Jika cara Menghilangkan Blacklist Smadav 8.8  tersebut masih tidak manjur, silahkan anda ikuti cara berikut untuk Menghilangkan Blacklist Smadav 8.8 anda :

  1. Pertama, Pastikan Smadav tidak sedang dijalankan (Cek Tray Icon, jika masih ada logo smadav - klik kanan - EXIT)
  2. Hapus file "PIRΔSYS.DLL" yang ada di "C:\Windows\System32\PIRΔSYS.DLL" (Jika sudah tidak ada, di tutup saja)
  3. Jalankan 'Registry Editor' Caranya : (Start - RUN - ketik: regedit) Lalu Menuju ke "HKEY_CURRENT_USER - Software - Microsoft - Notepad"
  4. Hapus "lfPitchΔndFamily", "lfPitchΔndFamily2", dan "lfPitchΔndFamily3" (Hapus semua lfPitchΔndFamily-nya), kemudian Close
  5. Buka C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc - Buka file 'hosts' dengan Notepad Jika ada tulisan '# antipiracyworld.com', hapus tulisan itu - Lalu SAVE, jika tidak ada di tutup saja
  6. Silahkan jalankan SMADAV 8.8 yang terblacklist, Jika sudah HIJAU kembali, masukkan key yang sudah tersedia
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Key Smadav 8.8

Nama : SuryaCakra   
Key : 991399205010
Nama : SuryaIslami   
Key : 991899528920
Nama : Suryabombus   
Key : 993899961054
Nama : SuryaFull   
Key : 991899133452

Oke,  SMADAV 8.8 anda sudah menjadi versi PRO
Selama Mencoba!

Artikel lain yang mungkin ingin anda baca!

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PC Optimizer Pro

PC Optimizer Pro
DOWNLOAD PC Optimizer Pro

In a nutshell, PC Optimizer Pro makes your computer run faster and prevents up to 90% of Windows crashes. Once your PC is clean of registry errors then you will absolutely notice an end to slow, frozen, or unpredictable operation. In fact, if your system is already crashing or seizing up for no apparent reason, then you need PC Optimizer Pro right now! PC Optimizer Pro is a suite of automated system-maintenance and optimization utilities which tune up windows performance. It removes junk files to save valuable disk space and prevents application crashes.

» Scan Windows registry to find and fix any incorrect or obsolete information
» Protect your privacy by cleaning up all the tracks of your internet and computer activities
» Permanently erases files from your disk without the possibility of them ever being recovered
» Uninstall programs from your system
» Startup Manager to control what programs run at system startup
» Display vital information about the configuration and performance of your system
» Backup all your information and crucial files

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NJStar Communicator v3.0.11918

NJStar Communicator v3.0.11918
DOWNLOAD NJStar Communicator v3.0.11918

NJStar Communicator enables Chinese, Japanese and Korean (CJK) language input, display, print and conversions on your English or other western Windows. There is no need to reboot or install a separate Microsoft Chinese/Japanese/Korean Windows any more!

NJStar Communicator Includes:

NJStar CJK Multilingual Viewer
NJStar Chinese Input Method Editor
NJStar Japanese Input Method Editor
NJStar Korean Input Method Editor
NJStar Universal Code Convertor
NJStar Express Mail - Send CJK message as Picture
NJStar SMTP local server for Express Mail

NJStar Communicator Unique Features:

Automatically view Traditional Chinese website in Simplified Chinese
Automatically view Simplified Chinese website in Traditional Chinese
Use Tone number to limit the Pinyin input candidates


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NBMonitor Network Bandwidth Monitor

NBMonitor Network Bandwidth Monitor
DOWNLOAD NBMonitor Network Bandwidth Monitor

NBMonitor tracks your Internet bandwidth (upload and downloads) usage, monitors all your Internet, it shows all the active connections you have to the Internet at any given moment and also the volume of traffic flowing through them. NBMonitor displays real-time details about your network connections and network adapter's bandwidth usage. Unlike others, it shows process names initiated network connections and allows you to set filters to capture only the traffic you are interested in. As a number of ISP’s are now disconnecting customers for using “too much” bandwidth, knowing exactly how much you’ve downloaded or uploaded in a given month can be very helpful.

- Network bandwidth monitoring
- Internet bandwidth monitoring
- Views network traffic usage in real-time
- Multiple network connections monitoring at a time
- Network traffic reporting
- Process monitoring initiated network connections
- Monitors and analyzes the network traffic
- Records and exports network connections activity
- No extra drivers needed
- Small, easy to use, and accurate

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Mythicsoft FileLocator Pro 6.0.1236

Mythicsoft FileLocator Pro 6.0.1236
DOWNLOAD Mythicsoft FileLocator Pro 6.0.1236

FileLocator Pro™ offers the most affordable way to exhaustively search your computer for all your important data. FileLocator Pro offers unique advanced features for digging out information in even the most obscure file formats. Find out why many Windows XP users are switching to FileLocator Pro today!

Main Features:
• Search using Boolean or Regular Expressions
• Dual/Quad core processor support
• Word, Excel and PDF searching
• Open Office, Word Perfect searching through IFilter support
• LAN/WAN network drives searching (UNC support)
• Export search results in Text, CSV, HTML, XML, or a customized format using XSLT
• ZIP, RAR, CAB, 7-Zip, ARJ, Bzip, CHM, CPIO, DEB, GZIP, ISO, LZH, NSIS, TAR archive searching
• Active Scripting support for the ultimate in search customization
• Shows surrounding lines of text
• Customizable search environment
• Built-in file viewer
• Launch 3rd party editor at found line (inc. VS.NET)
• Drag and drop support
• Print preview
• Search navigation to quickly browse previous search results
• Integrates into Windows Shell

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Helps you optimize your computer's performance and make it work faster PCBoost is an application that allows you to optimize your computer's performance and make it work faster!

PcBoost is a program which allows you to run programs much faster then the original programmer intended.

With little to no effort you can easily make programs & games run faster on your computer without having to purchase a new PC.

Many programs and games often use a minimal amount of CPU power which often leads to the CPU being idle and really not much use at all. PcBoost takes advantage of this by allocating more CPU power to the currently active program/game. All of this is done automatically without having you to lift one finger.

PcBoost is a great affordable alternative to purchasing a new computer and can in no way harm or destroy a computer, while providing equivalent power that a faster processor would.

PcBoost is quite easy to use and understand. With a few button pushes and setting changes the application is ready to work.

PcBoost starts up automatically when Windows does and manages the CPU/Processor according to the user's specifications.

Here are some key features of "PCBoost":
· Optimizes games and applications by increasing the CPU priority thread of the currently active application.
Automatically de-allocates CPU priority when a new active application is selected.
· Works in the background to optimize applications constantly, raises priority levels to reasonable values to
maintain system stability.
· Visual representation in system tray which displays priority optimization for currently active application.
· Built-in block list of applications which are not compatible, to prevent problems with the software such as slow
downs or computer crashes.
· Easy and intuitive user interface which performs CPU tuning in real-time.


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Dhani Dewa Dan Yahudi

Mengapa dalam album – album grup musik Dewa 19 banyak simbol aneh??
Apakah benar Ahmad Dhani keturunan Yahudi??
Apa yang sebenarnya terkandung dalam lirik2 lagu Dewa 19??
Sebenarnya si penulis tidak terlalu ambil pusing dengan pertanyaan2 diatas, tetapi setelah mencermati buku berjudul “Fakta & Data Yahudi di Indonesia” karangan Ridwan Saidi & Rizki Ridyasmara (Februari 2006) dan buku “Talmud, Kitab Hitam Yahudi Yang menggemparkan“ karangan M.A Syarkawi (cetakan edisi Indonesia, 2005). Si penulis merasa mempunyai beban moral untuk menyebarluaskan informasi ini kepada public, karena melihat sepertinya hanya kalangan tertentu di Indonesia yang paham tentang bahaya Yahudi. Dengan tulisan ini , Si penulis berharap lebih banyak pihak yang concern. Dan Saya membantu si Penulis untuk menyebarkan berita ini agar masyarakat indonesia berhati-hati dengan keadan ini.
Sebelum membahas tentang group musik Dewa, ada kutipan yang diambil dari buku (Talmud,……) diatas:
1) Bangsa Lain Selain Yahudi adalah Bagaikan Binatang
Dalam Kitab Talmud Yerusalem halaman 94 disebutkan:“Air mani yang darinya tercipta bangsa-bangsa lain yang berada diluar agama yahudi adalah air mani kuda”
Dalam Midrash Talpioth (Vol 225d) dijelaskan bahwa kaum non Yahudi adalah hanya berbeda bentuk dengan binatang.
Kitab Zohar (I,131a) sejak adanya mereka, maka dari itu, semua manusia non Yahudi mengotori alam, karena roh mereka lahir dari bagian yang najis.
Sanhendrin (74b) Tosepoth berbunyi: Hubungan seksual orang Goim (orang non Yahudi) adalah seperti hubungan seksual binatang.
Talmud, Kitab 6 Bab 8 butir ke 9: Sesungguhnya Talmud mewajibkan atas setiap orang yahudi untuk melaknat orang Kristen tiga kali dalam sehari, dan berdoa agar membasmi dan menghancurkan raja-raja serta para pemimpin mereka. Juga diwajibkan kepada orang Yahudi untuk merampas harta mereka dengan cara apapun.
2) Bangsa Yahudi mempunyai rencana besar untuk menguasai seluruh umat manusia dimuka bumi, membuat mereka bertindak secara sadar atau tidak sadar menjadi pelayan Yahudi yang derajatnya ianggap sama dengan binatang
3) Banyak strategi yang dilancarkan oleh kaum Yahudi yang berkedok Kemanusiaan, Dialog Lintas Agama, Hak Asasi Manusia, Bea Siswa, Penyebar luasan simbol Yahudi dll, yang semuanya merupakan tak-tik belaka untuk meraih tujuan akhir mereka.
Strategi penyebarluasan simbol Yahudi di masyarakat kita ternyata sudah dalam tahap yang memprihatinkan. Simbol Yahudi tanpa sadar telah di gunakan pada aksesories, kaos, cover kaset dll.
Kita sudah mengetahui bahwa sebuah simbol / gambar bisa berarti lebih dari seribu kata kata.
Ternyata, salah satu grup musik papan atas di Indonesia yaitu DEWA telah secara konsisten menyebarkan simbol Yahudi dari mulai album pertama mereka DEWA 19 (1992), TERBAIK–TERBAIK (1995), THE BEST OF DEWA 19 (1999), BINTANG LIMA (2000), CINTAILAH CINTA (2002), ATAS NAMA CINTA I & II ( 2004), dan LASKAR CINTA (2004)
Simbol Yahudi dengan cerdik diletakkan dengan berbagai cara dan hanya bisa dilihat dengan cara cara tertentu. Ada yang dibuat terbalik, disamarkan, diputar dan hanya bisa dibaca didepan cermin
Sebelum membahas lebih jauh tentang simbol, kita perlu ketahui siapa sebenarnya Ahmad Dhani Manaf, sang komadan grup musik ini.

Dalam Album Laskar Cinta, Dhani menulis sebagai berikut :

Merunut silsilah keluarga, pemilik nama tersebut ternyata ayah dari ibu kandung Ahmad Dhani, alias kakeknya. Ibunya sendiri bernama Joyce Theresia Pamela Kohler. Jan Pieter Frederich Kohler adalah orang Yahudi Jerman.
Secara jujur Dhani berterima kasih atas gen Yahudi yang ia terima dari sang kakek. (THANKS FOR THE GEN). Bisa jadi karena kebanggaannya mewarisi gen dari opa-nya.


1) Dhani sering tampil dipanggung dengan memakai kalung Bintang David (simbol Zionis-Israel).
2) Pada cover album pertama DEWA 19, terdapat gambar Piramida Tak Sempurna (Unfinished Pyramid). Piramida tersebut terpancung dibagian ujungnya. Lambang tersebut sudah dikenal luas sebagai salah satu lambang Yahudi (lambang gerakan Masonis – salah satu organisasi Yahudi, dan juga lambang tsb pada uang 1 dollar Amerika).
3) Dalam mitologi Judaisme angka “19” dikenal sebagai “Dark Star” (Bintang Kegelapan)
Jika dicermati dengan seksama, cobalah untuk memperbesar gambar puncak pyramid yang ditutupi kabut (misalnya dengan program Windows Picture & Fax Viewer, puncak piramid itu di zoom-in (+) beberapa kali), maka terlihat dipuncak piramid itu-walau agak samar, ada sesuatu yang tidak lancip, malah berwarna gelap yang cenderung berbentuk bulat yang bisa jadi merupakan bola, lingkaran, atau juga bisa sebuah mata.
4) Dalam album “TERBAIK TERBAIK”
Pertama, secara jelas dimuat simbol Dewa Ra (Dewa matahari dalam mitologi Mesir Kuno). Dalam agama Yahudi (Judaisme) Dewa Ra diklaim sebagi salah satu Tuhan mereka. Pada Sinagog (rumah ibadah Yahudi) lambang ini lazim di pajang.
Kedua, terdapat pula lembaran satu Protocol Of Zions (Ayat-ayat Iblis) dalam bahasa Ibrani. Untuk menyamarkan, Protocol of Zions dalam cover album ini diletakkan secara terbalik horizontal. Yang sisi kiri dipindah kekanan dan sebaliknya. Untuk membacanya hadapkan dulu ke depan cermin.
Ketiga, terdapat foto empat personil Dewa tengah berdiri dibawah gambar lingkaran dengan satu titik di tengahnya (Circle with a dot), gambar ini dikenal sebagai symboll occultism/organ perempuan yang merupakan gerakan pemuja setan dan dianggap juga sebagai penjelmaan simbol mata setan(The Evil Eye),. Berikut ini cuplikan dari Bulletin Masonis (organisasi Yahudi):
Since the Satanist worships the Sex Act, he must have a symbol of the female organ, to go along with male organ- the Obelisk. And , indeed, Satanist do have a symbol of the female organ – the Circle. And, when a point is added to the middle of the circle, you have the complete sex act, the male being the point and the female being the circle (Point With A Circle” Masonic Short Talk Bulletin, August, 1931, Vol.9,No.8, Reprinted July,1990, p.4)
5) Dalam cover Album THE BEST OF DEWA 19 (1999)
Pertama, Secara kasat mata ada dua lambang yang dimuat: adalah tulisan tangan italic yang ditumpuk jadi satu sehingga membentuk garis lurus. Satu garis horizontal, satunya lagi vertical, dan saling bersilangan seperti salib miring. Cover berbentuk horizontal ini baru memiliki arti jika diberdirikan atau diputar 90 derajat kearah kiri (lihat tanda panah biru di sudut kanan bawah cover tsb, itu bukan sekedar gambar panah tapi suatu instruksi) agar ‘pesan’nya sampai. Dikepala salib terdapat gambar personil Dewa yang jika dicermati membentuk sebuah bulatan. Ini sama dengan symbol okultisme yang terdapat dalam lambang Dewa Horus.
Kedua, Juga dicover depan. Di sudut kiri bawah ada gambar kepala seorang gadis dengan rambut panjang terurai, dikepala si gadis seolah ada pusaran air. Jika diperbesar maka akan terlihat bahwa “pusaran air” dan rambut si gadis itu sesungguhnya adalah mata dari Dewa Horus.
Ketiga, dipermukaan cakram digital (CD) juga berisi symbol okultisme Dewa Horus (juga ada tanda panahnya)
Keempat, dicover yang berisi lirik lagupun, jika di rotasi 90 derajat akan terlihat simbol yang sama. Garis putih yang ada diatasnya hanya sebagai ‘pengelabuan’, namun intinya adalah garis saling menyilang seperti salib dengan lingkaran di bagian atasnya.
6) Dalam cover Album BINTANG LIMA (2000), Gambar sayap dengan hati di tengah dimuat utuh dengan latar belakang empat personil Dewa. Simbol ini lajim dipakai sebagai salah satu simbol gerakan perkumpulan Teosofie Yahudi. Ritual pengikut Teosofi biasanya mengadakan upacara pemanggilan arwah atau jin.
7) Dalam cover Album CINTAILAH CINTA (2002)
Pertama, Cover depan album ini memuat secara menyolok simbol Eye of Horus. Horus adalah Dewa Burung dalam Mitologi Mesir Kuno yang diklaim sebagai salah satu dewa mereka.

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MAXA Cookie Manager v5.2

MAXA Cookie Manager v5.2
DOWNLOAD MAXA Cookie Manager v5.2

A cookie (also tracking cookie, browser cookie, and HTTP cookie) is a small piece of text stored on a user's computer by a web browser. A cookie contains bits of information such as user preferences, shopping cart contents, or anything else the website you visit wants to set.

Cookies, today, can do a lot more than this definition provides for. In fact, most people are unaware that there are other types of cookies, in addition to the typical HTTP style browser cookies. Collectively, these are called Super Cookies. For example the Flash cookie is being used by many of today's popular websites. The evercookie combines all types of approaches like regular Cookies, Super Cookies and ETAG tracking, so it is nearly impossible to get rid off it manually.

The problem here, is that today's browsers cannot delete these cookies and, the icing on the cake, is that the information is shared among all installed browsers!

So, you may ask, "What's the big deal?"

Well, the "big deal" is that these cookies, if placed on websites as web bugs, can store a lot of information, including, what language you use, what websites you have visited, what your browsing habits are, which topics you're interested in, where you shop, which countries you take your laptop to, which hotels or companies you visited, and much more! Thanks to these cookies, over time, you can be tracked and profiled more and more precisely. (You can also use our exclusive Privacy Test to see what information websites can get from your system right now!)

New in Version 5.1:

Support for the newest version of Firefox
Smaller improvements and additions

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Mchme GPS Track Database

Mchme GPS Track Database
DOWNLOAD Mchme GPS Track Database

GPS Track Database to my collection of GPS tracks and manage to bring in a consistent format. With the help of my tracks I collected can also check whether there are gaps in the OpenStreetMap coverage. Also, I plan my tours with the GPS track database.

GPS track database can be used to

* import tracks and save
* Re-create your own tracks
* see the tracks on a map openstreetmapedit
* Tracks (waypoints, add, change order) to "smooth"
* Tracks (remove excess points)
* Split Tracks
* to export tracks in order to then upload to a GPS device
* Extract files routes from OpenStreetMap
* For existing tracks a Openstreetmap generate map and integrate into your own website (Slippy Map)
* POI data from OpenStreetMap produce

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LuJoSoft CopyAndPaste 20111129

LuJoSoft CopyAndPaste 20111129
DOWNLOAD LuJoSoft CopyAndPaste 20111129

LuJoSoft CopyAndPaste is a simple copy and paste manager. When I say simple it means that it's simple to use, because is power is great. I decided to create this program because of all the time I use windows copy and paste function, as you know the function is very limited, only the last copy is available to paste. With LuJoSoft CopyAndPaste no more you will have at your disposal all the copy you did since you started the application.

Type.................: Windows
Platform.............: Windows Xp,Vista, Windows 7
Serial #.............: None
More Info............: http://www.lujosoft.net/

• Easy to use.
• Transparency scroll bar.
• Light on system resources.
• And it's 100% free.

How to use LuJoSoft CopyAndPaste::
1. Start the application.
2. When started you will see the application in the system tray.
3. Now all text and image that you will copy will be registered in the app.
4. To use a previous copy just left click on the icon in the system tray and choose from the list of copy you did then paste it where ever you need it.
5. To remove an item from the list just right click on that item and choose remove.

System Requirements:
• Works on any windows version (tested only on 32 but should work on 64bit OS)
• .Net framework 3.5 SP1

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JP Software Take Command 13.01.29 ML

JP Software Take Command 13.01.29 ML
DOWNLOAD JP Software Take Command 13.01.29 ML

Take Command is a comprehensive interactive GUI and command line environment that makes using the Windows command prompt and creating batch files easy and far more powerful. Take Command displays your command line applications in tabbed windows, with optional Explorer-style integration for a visual look at your folders. Take Command includes hundreds of major enhancements to the command line and CMD commands such as COPY, DEL, and DIR, and adds more than 140 new commands, 460 internal variables and functions, a batch file IDE / debugger, and thousands of other features.


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KeyPass v4.9.12

KeyPass v4.9.12
DOWNLOAD KeyPass v4.9.12

Password manager which stores all your secret information such as passwords, credit card numbers, PIN numbers etc. in a 448-bit blowfish-encrypted database. A single "master password" unlocks the information in the database. Works seamlessly with any application, including web browsers, terminal emulators and corporate services. Can be installed and run off key-chain size USB flash drives so that you can carry your secret information with you wherever you go!

11/08/2011 v4.9.12:

dded link to Edit Global Variable dialog in the Edit Field dialog.
Updated KEYHOOK.DLL to reduce intermittent hangs under certain system configurations.
Added ability to use Shift-arrow keys to reorder fields and script actions.
Added option to enable/disable keyboard/mouse during data entry.
Added option to switch to a specific locale during data entry.

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