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solusi trouble link Mediafire

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NOD32 v2.v3.v4 Update 6702 11 Dec 2011

NOD32 v2.v3.v4 Update 6702 11 Dec 2011
DOWNLOAD NOD32 v2.v3.v4 Update 6702 11 Dec 2011

Update manual atau offline anti virus NOD32 tidak lah serumit yang dibayangkan sebelumnya. Siapapun yang telah memakai NOD32 pasti setuju jika dikatakan kalau update manual NOD32 relatif mudah. Update manual NOD32 sama mudahnya dengan update otomatis NOD32, hanya ditambah setting-an sedikit. Maklum namanya juga offline :D
Sebelum melakukan update NOD32 secara manual terlebih dahulu harus download File update NOD32. Setelah download selesai, ekstrak file update NOD32 di partisi C atau di desktop atau diletakkan dimana saja yang disukai. Setelah itu Copy alamatnya, seperti C:\nod_upd. Artinya ekstrak folder file update NOD32 diletakkan di partisi C komputer. So... ikuti langkah berikut : (klik gambar untuk memperbesar)
1. Klik icon anti virus NOD32 di taskbar bawah sebelah kanan (gambar berwarna hijau-putih)
 dan muncul jendela NOD32. Kemudian klik (Advanced Setup) Atau Tekan F5.

Pilih Update, pilih edit pada Update Server. Biar lebih jelas silakan anda lihat gambar dibawah ini.

Kemudian masukan lokasi update yang telah anda extract tadi, contoh C:\nod_upd. Klik Add lalu OK.

Pastikan pada kotak update server terisi dengan nama lokasi update anda. Klik OK.

Setelah semua selesai, kini anda dapat meng-update eset anda tanpa User Name dan Password yang valid.

 NOD32 v2 Update 6702 11 Dec 2011

NOD32 v3.v4 Update 6702 11 Dec 2011

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Cakra | Album COKELAT-Segitiga (2003)

COKELAT _ Segitiga (2003)

Label: Sony Music

Track List

1. Nafsu
2. Segitiga
3. Kupilih Dia
4. Mimpi
5. Adakah
6. Mentari & Bulan
7. Buah Hati
8. Dilema
9. Yang Tersisa
10. Penantian
11. Takkan Kembali
12. Kuasa-Nya

Belilah Kaset dan CD original Jangan Dibiasakan Membeli Kaset Dan CD Bajakan Gunakan NSP Lagu Favorit Anda, Untuk Kode Lagunya Hubungi Operator Masing masing
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Cakra | Album COKELAT _ Rasa Baru Repackaged (2002)

COKELAT _ Rasa Baru Repackaged (2002)

Label: Sony Music

Track List

1. Bendera
2. Dia
3. Karma
4. Jauh
5. Luka Lama
6. Teman Saja
7. Gossip
8. Temani Aku
9. Langit Biru
10. Hilang
11. Masa Muda
12. Karma (Remix)

Belilah Kaset dan CD original Jangan Dibiasakan Membeli Kaset Dan CD Bajakan Gunakan NSP Lagu Favorit Anda, Untuk Kode Lagunya Hubungi Operator Masing masing
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Cakra | Album COKELAT-Untuk Bintang (2000)

COKELAT-Untuk Bintang (2000)

Label: Sony Music

Track List

1. Pergi!
2. Sendiri
3. Kita
4. Dendam
5. Bukan Yang Dulu
6. Sial
7. Kumbang
8. Mengapa Cemburu
9. Untuk Bintang
10. Bunga Tidur

Belilah Kaset dan CD original Jangan Dibiasakan Membeli Kaset Dan CD Bajakan Gunakan NSP Lagu Favorit Anda, Untuk Kode Lagunya Hubungi Operator Masing masing
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AVG Internet Security 2012 12.0.1873 Final

AVG Internet Security 2012 12.0.1873 Final
DOWNLOAD AVG Internet Security 2012 12.0.1873 Final

AVG Internet Security 2012 – a set of programs to protect your PC from dangerous objects and network threats. The program prevents viruses, trojans, worms, spyware, and firewall protect against network attacks. The new version of AVG Internet Security 2012 includes many changes and improvements related to performance and the ability to detect malicious software, and various changes made to the UI.

If you use AVG Internet Security 2012 you will not have to worry about identity theft, spam or viruses.

AVGpopular anti-virus software for home use. Certified manufacturer of rapid virus database updates, ease of use, low system requirements – the main advantages of the products AVG. AVG anti-virus software provides powerful protection against viruses and spyware in Windows 7, Vista and XP. AVG products are designed to combat the threat of infecting your computer and data loss.

Some improvements and features AVG 2012:
* Anti-rootkit: Improved detection of new rootkits Alureon.
* Antispam: IPv6 support in the anti-spam updates.
* Core: Improved heuristic detection.
* Core: optimized “Check Registry” Resident Shield.
* Core: Fixed a bug while scanning the registry.
* Core: how to detect malicious software have been optimized.
* Core: the number of false positives is reduced.
* Firewall: Many fixes and ulchsheny
* Safe Search: Optimizing for frames
* General: Added support for exceptions to Anti-Rootkit.

AVG Internet Security 2012 includes the following modules:
Anti-Virus – find and remove various viruses, Trojans, Internet worms.
Anti-Spyware – Protecting your computer from installing spyware and other malicious programs.
Anti-Rootkit – Protection against hidden threats, spreading malicious content.
Anti-Spam – E-mail filtering and deleting spam.
Identity Protection – Protection against new and unknown threats.
LinkScanner Active Surf-Shield – protection in real time from infected web pages while browsing the internet.
LinkScanner Search-Shield – mapping of security assessments in real time for all the search results Google, Yahoo and MSN / Live.
Web Protection & Firewall – a full-fledged firewall to protect your computer while it is running on the web.
ID Protection – now your passwords, credit card numbers and other personal data are protected from theft.

Key features:
100% virus detection. AVG Antivirus scan engine has received numerous awards for its excellent detection vredonostnogo package, including the VB100%. The unique combination of detection methods program AVG provides full protection against viruses, worms and Trojans.
100% protection against spyware (spyware). AVG is not only the search capabilities of spyware and keyloggers in the files and archive files, and search capabilities hidden keys in the registry.
Detection “on the fly.” AVG scanner monitors the calls to the file system and produces double-check files when accessing them, allowing you to build another layer of protection from infected files.
Postage protection. AVG checks all email traffic, and connects to the mail clients such as: MS Outlook, The bat!, Eudora, and other SMTP/POP3 mail clients such as Outlook Express. Also supported by checking SSL-traffic.
Anti-spam and phishing filters. Every email that comes in the mailbox that is checked by means of signature databases are updated every minute.
Monitoring network connections. With built-in firewall AVG scans all incoming and outgoing connection requests from the computer, prevent network attacks on computer and network activity for the Trojans.
Powerful scheduling. AVG provide a daily schedule for automatic scans and updates, and allow you to create your own scheduled events.
Supports 23 languages, including Russian.

Advantages of products AVG:
The necessary level of protection
Our specialists are always looking for new challenges, so we can quickly develop new ways of protection.
AVG products protect more than 80 million PC users around the world.
Easy to use security
AVG products are easy to download, install and use, have minimal impact on system performance.
Technology, the award-winning
AVG security system certified by all major independent certification companies, such as the ICSA, Virus Bulletin, Checkmark (Lab West Coast Labs).

Operating systems: XP, Vista, 7
Language: Multi
Medicine: Yes


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