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DOWNLOAD Raiden RaidenMAILD v1.9.17.15
Mail Server is a necessary tool for the world wide communication and RaidenMAILD is designed to help with. RaidenMAILD is a easy-to-use SMTP / POP3 / WebMail Mail Server designed for home and enterprise users, it is so easy to setup that everyone can possibly do it by yourself even if you never setup mail server. It is not only easy to use but also features various professional mechanisms such as anti-spam mechanisms, filtering, SSL security, 2SMTP infrastructure, health monitoring, firewall and Active Directory / Database integration.
Easy to use SMTP/POP3/Webmail Mail Server
- Rich in features : All in one Mail Server
- Low prime price & lifetime update for free
- High performance & stability
- EASY for everyone
- Smart SMTP Relay
- Server Relay (for incoming mails) / SMTP routing table (for outgoing mails)
- IP Address restriction
- Subject title/ Conent/ Attachment filtering with normal comparison/ Advanced PCRE comparison
- Disk Quota Restriction
- Unlimited domains to single IP
- Starts with NT Service via ServiceAgent - Service Installer / Health monitor
- Automatic email re-sending mechanism
- SMTP /POP3 restriction options
- Event Logging to screen, disk file, and analyser are available!
- Web-based Remote Control System
- Multilingual Web Mail System
- Web Mail customization
- Dynamic IP re-assignment
- Automatic mail footer for mail messages
- Mailing list
- E-mail forwarding
- Automatic mail replying
- Backup all incoming/outgoing mails for monitoring purpose in corporations
- Event Processor
- Memory optimization
- Mass mail sending
- SMTP Auth
- Online registration
- DBMS support
- Password reset mail mechanism
- SSL transmission
- Multi-POP for external mailboxes
- ICQ / MSN Center provides real-time contact service
- Integration with Active Directory
- Anti-spam mechanisms
- RaidenMaild Http Interface (RMHI)
- Dual SMTP services
- Alias mail mapping
- Spam Mail Report
- Firewall
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Apa itu navbar,
saya akan menjelaskan sedikit mengenai fungsi dari Navbar di Blogspot ini. Navbar atau Navigasi Bar merupakan fasilitas standar yang dimiliki oleh Letaknya berada di bagian paling atas dari blog. yang berfungsi untuk memudahkan kita untuk balik ke dashboard utama lalu mencari alamat url blog teman-teman kita yang lain, bisa juga untuk secara otomatis mencari blog berikutnya, bisa juga untuk mengkustomisasi blog kita lalu melihat entri baru lainnya, kurang lebih Navbar digunakan untuk akses cepat/memberikan fungsi mempermudahkan. mungkin itu sedikit ulasan dari fungsi Navbar.
Lihat Gambar
Nah kali ini saya akan menjelaskan bagaimana cara memunculkan Navbar,
Menyembunyikan Navbar,
membuat navbar auto hide,
dan merubah ukuran dari navbar.
kita bahas satu persatu.
A. Cara Memunculkan Navbar
1. Pertama Login ke account blog sobat.
2. Pilih Tata Letak kemudian Edit HTML.
3. Centang Expland Template Widget.
4. setelah itu cari kode seperti (
atau kode mirip):
#navbar, #navbar-iframe {
height: 0px;
visibility: hidden;
display: none;
5. Hapuslah kode di atas, kemudian simpan template, dan lihat hasilnya.
B. Cara Menyembunyikan Navbar
1. Pertama Login ke account blog sobat.
2. Pilih Tata Letak kemudian Edit HTML.
3. Centang Expland Template Widget.
4. Masukkan kode berikut sebelum atau diatas kode ]]></b:skin>
/* hilangkan navbar ----------------------------- */ #navbar-iframe { height:0px; visibility:hidden; display:none }
5. Jika sudah tinggal di Simpan Template dan lihat hasilnya.
C. Cara membuat navbar auto-hide
1. Pertama Login ke account blog sobat.
2. Pilih Tata Letak kemudian Edit HTML.
3. Centang Expland Template Widget.
4. Masukan kode dibawah ini, dan simpan tepat diatas kode ]]></b:skin>
#navbar-iframe{opacity:0.0;filter:alpha(Opacity=0)} #navbar-iframe:hover{opacity:1.0;filter:alpha(Opacity=100, FinishedOpacity=100)}
5. Simpan template, dan lihat hasilnya.
D. Cara Merubah Lebar Navbar
1. Pertama Login ke account blog sobat.
2. Pilih Tata Letak kemudian Edit HTML.
3. Centang Expland Template Widget.
4. Masukan kode dibawah ini, dan simpan tepat diatas kode ]]></b:skin>
#navbar-iframe {
width:980px;margin:0 auto;
Ukuran WIDTH saya sesuaikan dengan lebar dari template, demikian juga dengan warna Background.
5. Simpan template dan lihat perubanhannya.
Nah sekian dulu dari saya.. silahkan dicoba, semoga bermanfaat.
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Anda tentu tahu resiko menghilangkan navbar blogger,
yaitu account kita bisa di banned oleh google. Karena menghilangkan navbar adalah melanggar TOS ( TOS adalah perjanjian antara blogger dengan kita yang harus kita setujui ketika akan membuat blog ) . Keinginan saya untuk memposting tentang cara mengembalikan navbar blog ini bermula pada saat saya sedang blog walking ke tempat para master - master blog, tepatnya di blog nya kang rohman dan blog nya o-om. Disana saya berpikir mengapa navbar pada blog mereka tidak dihilangkan. Kemudian saya mencari informasi di tempatnya mbah google, ternyata ada beberapa blogger yang accountnya di banned karena melanggar TOS. Sayang sekali kan apabila blog yang telah kita pelihara selama berbulan - bulan, bertahun - tahun kena banned. Kadang kala kita memasang template baru untuk blog kita yang tidak ada navbarya ataupun kita terlanjur menghilangkannya, Saya akan menerangkan tahap - tahap cara pembalian navbar di bawah ini :
1. Login lah ke blogger
2. Masuklah ke halaman edit HTML dan agar aman, sebaiknya backup lah template anda terlebih dahulu.
3. Cari kode di bawah ini : ( gunakan Ctrl+F untuk mempermudah pencarian )
#navbar-iframe {
display: none !important;
apabila sudah ketemu, hapuslah kode tersebut.
4. Apabila anda tidak menemukan kode tersebut, berarti kode template anda berbeda. Silakan cari kode di bawah ini :
#navbar-iframe{ height:0px; visibility:hidden; display:none}
Apabila sudah ketemu, hapuslah kode tersebut.
5. Apabila anda masih belum menemukan kodenya, carilah kode yang hampir mirip. Lalu hapus kode tersebut.
Selamat Mencoba Sob ...
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DOWNLOAD XnView 1.98.4 Complete ML
XnView, a software to view and convert graphic files, really simple to use. Support of more than 400 graphics formats. XnView exists for Windows, MacOS X, Linux x86, Linux ppc, FreeBSD x86, OpenBSD x86, NetBSD x86, Solaris sparc, Solaris x86, Irix mips, HP-UX, AIX. The most important features are: Import about 400 graphic file formats and Export about 50 graphic file formats.
It has the features :
Import about 400 graphic file formats
Export about 50 graphic file formats
Multipage TIFF, Animated GIF, Animated ICO support
Image IPTC, EXIF metadata support
EXIF auto rotation support
IPTC editing
Resize, rotate, crop support
Lossless rotate & crop (jpeg) support
Adjust brightness, contrast...
Auto levels, contrast
Modify number of colors
Apply filters (blur, average, emboss, ...)
Apply effects (lens, wave, ...)
Fullscreen mode
Slide show with effects
Batch convert, batch rename
Create WEB page easily
Screen capture
Create contact Sheet
Create or edit Multi-page file (TIFF, DCX, LDF)
TWAIN & WIA support (Windows only)
Print support (Windows only)
Drag & Drop support (Windows only)
Compare image side by side
Filmstrip layout
44 languages support (Windows only)
And many many other things...
No Adware, No Spyware
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SuperRam is a program that will allow you to optimally maintain and manage your system's memory. SuperRam makes no modifications to your hardware and all adjustments and settings are done in an easy to use interface that even a child could use. Most 'other' Ram/memory modifiers promise that they work while you notice no difference at all in performance. SuperRam on the other hand has been tried and tested and proven to work.
Are you tired of program crashes or low memory warnings? Or you notice your computer performance slowly degrades after a period of time? SuperRam not only fixes these problems from occurring it also enhances your computers performance.
Keep Windows running longer by using SuperRam. No longer do you have to reboot your computer due to low memory warnings, you choose the amount of memory your computer maintains and SuperRam releases wasted memory and returns it back to you. SuperRam will super-charge your computer`s memory.
• Optimizes computer memory by freeing wasted memory back to the computer.
• Works in the background to free memory to reasonable values to maintain system stability.
• Visual representation in system tray which displays computer memory available to the system.
• Fully customizable to the settings and preferences you choose.
• Easy and intuitive user interface which performs memory optimization in real-time.
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