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NWS Centurybyte Smart Photo Import v1.9.5.1

DOWNLOAD NWS Centurybyte Smart Photo Import v1.9.5.1 | 2.46 mb

Smart Photo Import is a small but flexible tool which helps you to manage your expanding digital photo collection. With Smart Import you can acquire photos from your preferred digital media device in a fast and effective way, organizing at the same time your pictures into folders on your computer. You choose the organizing criteria and the program does the rest. The import process is completely automatic. The program is able to use exif date informations to divide photos per each year, month or day of the shot. You can specify a subject for each import operation, as well as put your author signature in the imported file names. The software can handle not only your new digital shots from your camera, but also allows to reorganize any picture in any folder of your Pc. Just drag and drop the files and folders you wish to reorganize into the program's main window and then choose the organization criteria.

In a comfortable browser you can view the pictures on your media device or your hard disk. Small previews are available at your preferred size.

Smart Import is able to display more than 100 different file formats, plus other over 120 digital camera proprietary RAW formats

When you insert a new media device in your computer the program sensor will detect it and will be ready to import pictures. Double clicking on a thumbnail will open the picture viewer, that gives you a bigger preview for each photo.

On the top is displayed the source folder, while at the bottom you can select the destination folder where the files will be imported.

Digital photos coming from your camera have meaningless serial names.

If you are a photographer who takes hundreds pictures in a week or even in one day you may want to have a fast way to put your pictures on your computer, organize them and give them meaningful names.

Smart Import makes all this possible: lets you customize the name of the file and of the folders where the pictures will be imported.

Smart Import can use exif data to extract important details about the shots like exact date-time and add it right into the name of the imported files or folders. You can choose to automatically create folders for each day or month or year of the shots, to specify the subject of the photo-reportage and other rules to rename files.

Naming your pictures and folders with the year, month, day of the shot will greatly help you to find them again, and will create a perfectly organized archive on your pc. You will no longer need to spend hours doing this.

With one click you can choose the import options and you can preview how pictures will be imported.

Don't worry for mistakes! Even if you make a mistake you can undo the last import operation and files will be taken back and renamed in their original positions.

And remember at any time the program will let you to re-organized the archived files in another way. (should you come unhappy with the previous organization). In fact, you won't be limited to import pictures just from your camera: you can do this from and to any folder in your computer.

Just drag and drop files and folders from your Windows Explorer into the program. Then import them just as you would normally do for your card's pictures.

To mark pictures that need to be rotated is very easy: just click one of the two rotate buttons displayed for each picture. All rotations are performed lossless, as Smart Import never touches the pictures internal data and their exif information. Pictures that cannot be rotated lossless will not be changed: a copy will be rotated instead.

Smart Import also lets you to create a copy for each picture and have it converted into another graphics format.

Finally you can print your picture collections, just like an album, including most important file and exif information.

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