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Network LookOut Administrator Professional 3.7.3

Network LookOut Administrator Professional 3.7.3
DOWNLOAD Network LookOut Administrator Professional 3.7.3

The Network LookOut Administrator allows you to see live screens of remote computers. This way, you can always watch what users are doing on the remote computer. Additionally, you have the ability to take control of a remote computer by controlling the mouse and keyboard; this is especially useful when you need to assist the person who uses the remote computer. If you are an administrator, you can easily administer remote computers from your computer.

What does it do?
It allows you to see live screens of remote computers. This way, you can always watch what users are doing on the remote computer. Additionally, you have the ability to take control of a remote computer by controlling the mouse and keyboard; this is especially useful when you need to assist the person who uses the remote computer. If you are an administrator, you can easily administer remote computers from your computer.

What is it useful for?
For monitoring your children’s activities on a remote computer.
For monitoring students in the classroom to achieve better discipline or, just to assist them (by using the remote control feature) when they are in trouble.
For lowering your business costs by monitoring what your employees are doing on their computers and helping them when they call you. Using the remote control feature enables you to fix problems remotely without visiting them; this saves you precious time.
For administrating all computers just from one location – your computer.
Turning off, restarting, hibernating .... remote computers with one click.

Main Features:
Displaying a live picture of a remote computer.
You can take control of a remote computer by controlling its mouse and keyboard.
More remote screens can be displayed in a table.
A remote screen can be zoomed to an actual size.
The name of the connected user is displayed.
When lower bandwidth is required, the refresh interval can be enlarged.
Power off, restart, hibernate, suspend remote computers
Log off desktop users
Lock workstation
Control screensaver
Automatic connection to a remote computer is optional.
Settings for the agent are encrypted and password protected.
Connection to a remote computer is password protected.
Access to monitoring the console is password protected. If more users use the same computer, different profiles and access passwords can be set.
More monitoring consoles can be connected to the same remote computer.
Agent can run as an NT service (for Windows NT, 2000, XP, 2003).
Agent can run as a process (Windows 95, 98, Me).
Application can optionally use encrypted communication.
Agent can be remotely installed.


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